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JavaScript vs Python : Can Python Overtop JavaScript by 2020?

JavaScript is currently the most commonly used programming language (and has been for quite some time!) but now Python is dishing out some stiff competition. Python has been steadily increasing in popularity so much so that it is now the fastest-growing programming language. So now the question is…Will Python Replace JavaScript popularity by 2020?
JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is most popular as a scripting language for Web pages. This means that if a web page is not just sitting there and displaying static information, then JavaScript is probably behind that. And that’s not all, there are even advanced versions of the language such as Node.js which is used for server-side scripting.

According to StackOverflow Developer Survey Results 2019, JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language, used by 69.7 % of professional developers. And this is a title it has claimed the past seven years in a row.
In addition to that, the most commonly used Web Frameworks are jQuery, Angular.js and React.js (All of which incidentally use JavaScript). Now if that doesn’t demonstrate JavaScript’s popularity, what does?!

So now the question arises…Why is JavaScript so popular?
JavaScript is used both on the client-side and the server-side. This means that it runs practically everywhere from browsers to powerful servers. This gives it an edge over other languages that are not so versatile.

JavaScript implements multiple paradigms ranging from OOP to procedural. This allows developers the freedom to experiment as they want.

Python is an interpreted, general-purpose programming language that has multiple uses ranging from web applications to data analysis. This means that Python can be seen in complex websites such as YouTube or Instagram, in cloud computing projects such as OpenStack, in Machine Learning, etc. (basically everywhere!)
This is further demonstrated by this Google Trends chart showing the growth of Python as compared to JavaScript over the last 5 years.

Can Python Replace JavaScript in Popularity?


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